Online Memorials


I let go of my perfect puppy on July 29, 2016. For days I stared into his eyes hoping he would somehow tell me what he needed me to do. Although my happy Charlie was still there, my “Charlie” was not. He had to work so hard. Like a strong person, he would never want anyone to know he was unhappy or in pain. He could not even rest comfortably, walk or potty. When I got that one last stare from him, I just knew...He wasn’t even nervous in the car when my mom took us. The doctor let me hold him just like I used to for most of his life (like a baby), a typical cocker spaniel. The most beautiful part of all of this is that after he received the first injection, the heavy panting and anxiety disappeared. He was Charlie again just resting peacefully in my arms (still with me, breathing), but he was back...It was amazing and she allowed us this time. I never thought I would experience my Charlie like this again. I will be forever grateful for that moment. And when he finally did go, a part of me went with him. I have 2 other dogs at home that didn’t even like him...and naturally they were sad as well, but even after all this time has passed, I still miss him every day. I even got a crazy cocker spaniel puppy a month later and named him Augustus (Charlie was born in August). He looks nothing like Charlie, of course, and I said I’d never get a puppy. Charlie was the only. I only get rescue dogs, but I thought we needed more drama. Still, everyday I miss my “perfect puppy”.