Online Memorials

Dexter Rey

2006 - 2021

This boy has meant the world to us for just shy of 15 years, we are blessed to have had him in our presence for 5,347 days. We aren't heartbroken, we are heart-shattered. 1.24.'06 - 1.15.'21 was not nearly long enough for him to grace this earth. Since May 27th, '06 he has been our amazing baby boy, on Jan 15th, '21 he passed peacefully, in his sleep into the hereafter. He is always gonna' be alive in our hearts, but in the everyday living we miss him so, so much. He taught us so much about a lot of things but mostly about unconditional love. And being a Westie, he trained us very well. We know it will get better, but can't imagine it right now. Our house is empty, our hearts are shattered, he was, & is our most beloved boy Dexter Rey.