Online Memorials

Dooney Lopez

Our beloved Dooney from the day you came into our lives we were forever changed. You were just 5 months old and very tiny, but big in heart. You knew exactly how to win us over and from the beginning we fell in love with you. The first night you cried until we placed in bed with us and from that point on you knew exactly what to do to get your way. You will always be our precious baby boy and you will be missed by all. I hope you enjoyed your trips to the beach as much as I enjoyed seeing you run in and out of the water, and chase the seagulls. Daddy and I will always cherish the early morning rides to school to drop the kids off at school and how you barked at all the kids each day. Adrian misses the special time you too had together on your evening walks, and Gabby misses the cuddles and wet kisses. I miss your late night walks that would wake me up when you went to the kitchen for water, but most all I miss you welcoming me home each day and following me all around the house. Daddy misses your nightly begging for snacks from him. Dooney you were our first fur baby and you have left your beautiful tiny paw prints on our hearts. Dooney you left us way to too soon and all of a sudden. I am thankful to God that you did not suffer and that I didn’t have to make the decision to put you down because that was not one I think I could have made for if it were up to me you would stay with me forever. RIP my sweet boy for one day we will meet again!🐾💕🐾❤️🐾💙 🐾 Love you so
much, Mommy, Daddy, Gabby & Adrian