Online Memorials

Ginger Bell

2003 - 2018

Ginger you departed this life on 21 August 2018 at 11:00 hrs.. after giving all you had, we made the decision to not let you suffer anymore after not being able to walk and to relieve yourself as you so proudly had done all your 15+ years of life. Although we hated to let you go, I think you understood and was ready to go as we stayed and talked to you through the entire euthanasia process. You were a trooper right to the very end. How it hurt to see you take your last breathes, but we take comfort in knowing you at last were free and no pain. We will always remember you and have a special place in our hearts. Run across the Rainbow Bridge and enjoy the Green Pastures Lil Mama. (RIP) Hope to someday see you again. With all our Love, Robert, Anethia, Tyrone, Tierney, Shomahri, Anaje, Autumn, Atiera, Aliya and Logan.