Online Memorials



A beautiful tribute written by Gizmo's mom: "My precious Gizmo you will be loved in heaven. We will miss you. I will never forget your snuggles, you coo-s and loves and so much more. I remember your story and always will. You at the pet store, I wanted a calico so much and you were chosen for me. I remember when I saw you playing with your toys and jumping off the walls with Joy. I know you are doing that again. I remember the awful fire we had in my first apartment. You were smart and hid in the couch. I remember every day coming home and you were always smiling. I remember most of all when I asked you should we keep Jimmy my husband and you meowed a great big YES. Your Mom and Dad Love you and will miss you, and look forward to seeing you on the rainbow bridge. I ordered the poem today to remember the one I love. You loved posing in front of the fire place. You are a wonderful Fur Baby."