Online Memorials

• Leche •

Leche (buddy at the time) was a friend's pet ferret and was going to let him loose outside. I loved going to see him but at the same time scared because I've never seen one and I couldn't let that happen,I was drawn to him and so I took him in and named him Leche (milk in Spanish).. he was my rescue and was about 4 years old already; I've never felt so much love, you were my best friend and so much more.You gave kisses, knew when I was feeling sad and brightened my gloomy days.You pounced around and climbed up everything you could.
Follow me around the house like a lost puppy except you weren't, you were my sweet albino ferret and the bond we shared was indescribable.
All I want to say is Thank you, I knew your time was coming and i asked you just to hold on til after Christmas and somehow you understood. I'll never forget that day because my heart and mind weren't ready, I was in denial and being pregnant didn't help but you went in my arms and it hurt so much but at least I know you lived a long happy life. So thank you my sweet fur baby for everything.