Online Memorials

Lexie “Fur Ball” Kelly aka “Tweedle-Butt”

Lexie you came at a time when our life had a void after losing "Raffy" to leukemia at age 7. Amazing, went to the pet store to get a fish for the aquarium and brought you home as our adopted new family member. You are the most intelligent companion we have ever had in our family. You were voted the best at obedient school and never disappointed our family. I wish humans had the "unconditional love" and "heart" you so graciously portrayed every day of your life. We all miss coming home from work and hearing that tail thump that always greeted us. You gave us almost 15 years of the best times of our life. We miss you deeply, but you are no longer in pain and are able to run with your brother and sister, "Raffy" and "Treeska". One day we will reunite at Rainbow Bridge and cross it together with our other furry children gone on before. You are now home with us for good. We love you. Your family, The Kelly's.