Online Memorials


Our Littleman crossed the rainbow bridge on January 10, 2020 at home laying in his favorite spot on the couch. LIttleman was one month shy of turning 17 years old. We are completely heartbroken and saddened by our loss. Little man was a feisty little thing that love to bark especially for food! And when I say food he would try to eat anything he saw me with whether it was Crawfish, French fries or his favorite ..peanut butter and jelly sandwich!  I look for you each day I walk into the house in that same little spot on the couch where are you would wait for me to come home.. sometimes I even think I hear you .We love you littleman , thank you for giving me all the unconditional love and affection when I needed it the most ! I know you were running around using your little legs that you weren’t able to use anymore and it must feel great to be able to walk  and run  now! You’re a little smile  Will forever be etched in my heart. Until we meet again we love you....

David and Shellie