Online Memorials


Our beautiful loving loyal obedient “Star”. Star was a pure bred Australian Sheppard. Star became ill suddenly and went to heaven Sunday, July 10. 2016. Star was there to help raise our children. All the neighborhood kids knew her by name. She dug holes in our garden for garden toad. She knew when to guard our yard and when to sit down and be polite to passing pet owners and their dogs. She nurtured the kids when they were ill and comforted us when we were sad. You’d hear her playing with our cat in the middle of night. She loved to play football with us and would body slam whomever she was going after. She was the best running buddy ever by never giving up and nudging me on!! We could always count on Star. Her work was very well done. We love you Star and you will be dearly missed until we meet again.

Tell us the ‘story’ of your pet: When we first got Star the children were very young. I’d open the front door and out she’d run. I’d run after her up and down the street while she played cat n mouse with me. Out the front door my children would run in opposite directions. I had a neighbor who’d sit on the front porch and laugh watching her toy with me and try to round up my children. It happened everyday. That is until she did it to my husband. All he did was sit her down and have a talk with her and told her the rules. The next time I went out the front door she ran out too. This time she sat down right next to me when I came to the sidewalk. Amazed, I asked my husband what he did to the dog. He said he just talked to her. Never again did she run away or run across the street. She would stay in her yard. She would answer to certain sounds and whistles. She was just the best family dog ever.