Online Memorials

• Vala •

My Vala,

How can I say goodbye to you , my best friend? You were sent just for me, to protect and love me at a time in my life when I needed it most. You were all I really had left here in my home and now it is just a house. I struggled so hard to afford this home, just so you could have a nice yard and forever home.  You  kept me motivated to work thru my own illnesses…we did it together!

I can’t fathom the days ahead without you, as I miss you so much. You were always happy, and even loved to play in your older years. Your special needs kept me grounded at home and allowed for very little visitors, but I loved every minute. You needed someone to deal with your issues and I needed someone to watch over me. I never had to lock my doors with my fierce Vala. You were strong to the finish, as you fended off a large stray dog in our yard just two nights before you passed. After that night, you could not walk and I knew it was time to not keep you in any pain.

I see the empty spots now where your bed was, where your food bowls where, your favorite places outside and inside…and it is so bittersweet. I will probably move because I miss you so, and I want you to know I am not giving up on you nor leaving you behind….  you will be buried with me and stay by my side forever.
I cry, but I laugh. I laugh when I think of how you jumped for joy when I came home or when you saw a turkey come out of the oven…  & other silly things you did.  But I think most of all, I think I will cry & I don’t care if others do not understand…because…No one knows but you…how much I loved My Vala.

Love, Mom