Online Memorials

Buddah Boo Boo

Oh my sweet boo not a day goes by I don’t miss your sweet face I remember the day you were born in my lap and I was first to hold you and you sounded like a kitten thru the years you brought so much joy and happiness to out life you were my shadow you enjoyed life in the truck you were so happy to see me when j got home from work you were up with me at breakfast waiting on your cereal milk you made me so happy god blessed me with you I have so many memories I miss you more than anything but I know your still part of me I cry every day my sweet baby I know your waitin on me and one day I will see you again and get your sweet kisses I love you my boo d boo and you will never ever be forgotten boo

Tell us the ‘story’ of your pet: Boo was actually born in my lap and had to be bottle fed cuz momma dog didn’t have enuff milk yet it didn’t take long to get a fat little belly and looked like a little buddah so buddah it was boo d boo for short she loved puperonies just picking up a bag made her go crazy