Online Memorials

Chandler l. RAymond (chanman)

2005 - 2021

One of 4 (siblings Ross, Joey & Rachael named after the cast of ‘Friends’), born June 5, 2005 in Folsom, Louisiana. Through the years you traveled well across the U.S. and walked many, many miles with me. Your list of accomplishments include: Good Canine Citizen eligibility, June 2012 calendar boy at AHC, Lacombe Nursing volunteer and Certified Emotional Support Animal. Your compassion for the sick was natural since you recovered from your own ailments, including lameness. Clearly wanting to live a long, healthy, happy life I never gave up on giving that to you.
Thank you for the unconditional love, protection, sharing cookies, car rides to nowhere and celebrating each birthday with grace. Thanks for adjusting to our move up North and for returning home as if you never left. Most of all, thanks for allowing me to take care of you as you did for me. Proud to be called “Chandler’s Mom”-your independence & strength right to the end is inspiring. From Hurricane Katrina to Ida you survived and have been a Blessing.
My little old man “Viejito”, job well done.
Now Rest In Peace 9/10/21