Online Memorials

Little Bear

2002 - 2022

LIttle Bear was the best boy ever. God truly blessed me with such a great baby boy. He was part Chow Chow and part Swedish Lapphund. I have several favorite memories of him. He would jump up and down when I would get home. When he was little, he would run around really fast in a tight circle around us. UNBEKNOWNST to us, with each circle he would slowly untie our shoelaces. After he finished untying our shoes, he would take off leaving us standing there mystified and laughing. It was something he learned on his own, just one of his cute little quarks. Another favorite memory I have with him is after he got up in years, at night while we were going to sleep, I would hold his paw while we slept. When I would wake up in the morning I would still be holding his paw and he would just be watching me sleep. I loved the sound of his snoring, his little doggy dreams, his love of playing ball, how he understood when I was hurting, and so many more things. Somehow I always felt safe with him close to me. After 20 Years, my heart will never be the same without him. Little Bear will always be my furry little hero. He was so strong and brave. He fought for such a long time and no matter what challenge he was faced with next, he never gave up. After I was in a major car accident and having to learn to walk again, he was the reason I got up in the morning. I knew he needed me and I needed him just as much. He is my INSPIRATION and I pray that I can be as strong and brave as he was in life. I will always love my Little bear, "mommies handsome boy", my "furry hero", my "poochie", my "bear bear", my "little champ", and my "one tuff pup".