Online Memorials

MR. Fitch

2003 - 2021

Two weeks after I moved to Indiana I found you. Tiny little man. Maybe two months old if that. You have been the most perfect boy ever since. I could not have asked for the most perfect cat. So kind, quiet, and self sufficient boy. I have loved you and you loved me for 18 years, my Son. You are my son. No matter if you are animal or not. I thought of you no differently. Especially since I can’t have kids…. When I met your daddy he loved you, and he misses you so much. We miss you. My heart is breaking, it hurts so badly. I cry every day. I feel like I can’t breathe. You were the most healthy boy until cancer took you so quickly. This Monday morning, 7/5/21, we lost you. I still call your name. You are not here to lay with me and hold my hand. I want to hear your sweet, loud purr. You’ve been my constant since I moved here and now you are with Jesus. Please wait for Mommy and Daddy, my beautiful Son. You are so very loved, and so very missed.