Online Memorials



In Loving Memory
June 2012

An Angel Borrowed
My sweet angel, brown eyed and true,
We are so heart-sick without you.
I knew you time was drawing near,
I held you and whispered, I love you into your ear.
It was an honor to be by your side,
But oh how I cried as we said our good-bye.
You filled our lives with happiness beyond compare,
What do we do, now that you are not there?
We long to hear you or see your sweet face,
sleeping quietly on the love seat, your own special place.
But God tells me, let not your heart be filled with sorrow,
Scout is here with me, she was your angel to borrow.

Written by Brandi Hanes

I just had to share this with you. Right after you dropped Scout off to me, I came back inside and found this on the wall next to Scout's favorite spot, her love seat!! I just stood there and smiled...
She sent us a rainbow!!!