Online Memorials



Simon was the best cat in the whole world. He was so sweet and he loved to play, especially if he thought you were asleep. He loved to be outside even though he was afraid of practically everything. His favorite toys were his pink shiny ball, his grey jingle mouse, and his catnip filled leopard string. He loved to eat, as anyone who had ever held him could tell you. He also loved to cuddle with the dogs, even when they would walk away, he would just get up and follow. He had a very happy life, the best he could possibly have, filled with play, food, and all the cuddles he could ever want (and more). He had some amazing friends, near and far that made sure that every day was his best day and I can’t thank everyone enough for their help with that. He decided to leave this earth on September 29, 2016, after being my kitty for only 7 months. I can honestly say that those were the best 7 months anyone has ever had. I will miss him every day for the rest of forever and I promise never to forget him.