Online Memorials

• Tex •

My "big guy" Tex was a surprise for me because I never considered myself a cat person. One day a stray showed up in our barn and had kittens. Mama cat didn't stick around, so we were blessed with eight kittens to find homes for. One beautiful kitten refused to leave. We tried several times to take him somewhere but he insisted he was my cat. So, Texas came into our lives. Tex was born May 7, 2001. He slowly worked his way into my heart and by the time my daughter was born in January 2002, Tex was a permanent member of the family. He made two cross-country moves with us. He was there through good times and bad times...sleeping next to me, following behind me as I moved around the house, yelling at me that his food bowl was empty. He left us just after his 17th birthday. I never knew how much of a hole he would leave in my heart. I miss him terribly.